Christina Blaabjerg, 1975


Academy of Fine Arts, Denmark (Århus Kunstakademi) 2004-2008
Maleri D. Lecturer: Anette Olesen


2015 "Endless View", Samsø Kunstforening
2015 "Inside Out", Sautter + Lackmann, Hamburg
2014 "Sommerutstilling", Kunstgalleriet, Stavanger
2014 "Walk The Line", museum editions, New York
2014 Art Hamptons
2014 "Welcome to My Space", galleri NB, Viborg
2014 Consulate General of Denmark, New York
2014 Art Herning
2013 "Composition" galleri NB, København
2012 Art Herning
2012 Fondation COLAS, École des Beaux-Arts, Paris
2012 "RUM", galleri NB, Copenhagen
2012 "The Journey", Galleri Backlund, Göteborg
2012 "Perspective", Galerie Alex Wiberg, Stockholm
2012 Art Herning
2011 "Contrast", galleri NB, Viborg
2011 Art Herning
2010 Jule event galleri NB
2010 Galleri Kyhl "Rod i naturen"
2010 Galleri Kirk
2010 galleri NB, "Frokost i det grønne"
2010 Brøndby Kulturhus, Brønden
2010 galleri NB, "Galleriets kunstnere"
2009 Christmas exhibition, galleri NB
2009 View Point, galleri NB, Roskilde
2009 "The View", NBeX project, Viborg
2009 NBeX project, Kulturspinderiet Silkeborg - a group exhibition
2009 Frederikshavn Kunstmuseum - a group exhibition
2008 galleri NBeX, "Jul i NBeX project"
2008 Galleri JENZEN, Alborg
2008 KS08, Kunstnernes Sommerudstilling, Janusbygningen, Tistrup
2008 Final exhibition at Fussingoe Slot
2008 Final exhibition at Aarhus Kunstakademi (Academy of Fine Arts, Denmark)
"an inside installation of miniature pictures and paintings"
2008 Gallery Viktor
2007 "Vrangen af den hvide kube..." - a group exhibition
2007 Solo exhibition at Århus Kunstakademi
"Storbyens øjeblikke" - an inside installation of paintings and film
2006 Students exhibition at Århus Kunstakademi "Fra væg til væg" an inside installation
2005 Arbejdernes Landsbank
2005 Viborg Pædagogseminarium

Art Decoration

St. Barnebas Hospital, Bronx, New York, 2014
Skive Handelsskole, 2014
Plejecenter Trekroner, Roskilde, 2014
Brøndby Kulturhus "Brønden", 2009 - 2012
ALK Abello, 2009, 2011

Art Association

Vejle Kunstforening
Bech-Bruun Dragsted
Lundbeck A/S
Dansk Mejeriforening
Glostrup Hospital

Scholarship and Endowment

Købmand af Aalborg Vagn Larsen og Hustrus Fond


Art teacher at Den Kreative Skole, Silkeborg 2009 -
Art teacher at Th. Langs Skole, Silkeborg 2003-2004